(1) 弘揚中國文化,以儒家仁愛精神為辦學之理想。
To promote Chinese culture by upholding the spirit of benevolence in Confucianism.
(2) 以文、行、忠、信四教為轄屬學校之校訓。
STFA’s school ethos embodies Erudition, Propriety, Commitment and Honesty.
(3) 培養學生成為有高尚情操之市民。
To cultivate students into responsible and virtuous citizens.
(4) 培養學生之中、英語文俱臻一定之水平。
To build strong foundations in both Chinese and English Languages.
(5) 培養學生養成終身學習及不斷追求知識的學習習慣。
To foster an appreciation for lifelong learning by nurturing inquisitive minds.
(6) 培養學生成為服務社會,為國家貢獻力量之良好公民。
To nurture altruistic citizens with allegiance to the community and our country.
(7) 建立優質學校教育。
To establish quality education.
(1) 五育並重,讓學生均衡發展,發揮才能。
To foster holistic student development in moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic domains.
(2) 以學生為本,有教無類,注重個別差異,讓學生潛能得充分發揮。
To design a student-centred curriculum aimed at showcasing their full potential.
(3) 培養學生兩文三語能力、邏輯推理能力。
To equip our students with excellent proficiency in both Chinese and English Languages, along with
strong logical thinking skills.
(4) 著重資訊科技教育,讓全部學生掌握基本資訊科技知識、以適應現代生活。
To inspire our students to adapt to the modern advancements by focusing on information literacy.
(5) 著重學生自學能力培養,養成良好的自學習慣。
To strengthen self-directed learning.
(6) 加強與家長聯繫,關注學生成長。
To foster strong connection with parents, all working towards our common goal of supporting our
(7) 鼓勵教師不斷進修、更新知識、以適應社會高速發展。
To encourage lifelong learning among teachers.
(8) 與社區合作,開展學生參與社會之活動。
To inspire our students to become an active role in the community by strengthening our ties.
我們的格言(School Mottos)
To serve To lead To excel
Do our best Be our best Show our best